Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How to Mentor Effectively: Ten Tips for Success

Mentoring another employee, discussed in this month's enewsletter, benefits the mentor, the mentee, and the organization. But how do you mentor effectively? Whether you establish a formal, structured mentoring program or opt for an informal, friendship-based relationship, keeping these tips in mind will help maximize your chances for success.

1. Make sure your protégé's goals match your own. Having similar motivations will make you more compatible in the relationship and will make you more effective as an example.
2. Identify expectations up front. Discuss what you both hope to gain from the relationship and determine how often you will meet.
3. Give the relationship the time it deserves and needs. Consider spending time with your mentee among your top things to do.
4. Correct in private. If a mentee acts inappropriately or messes up, correct him or her in private. Public criticism doesn't do anyone any good.
5. Challenge your protégé. Provide your mentee with of a project or situation he/she wouldn't normally experience and supervise the process. Be sure to praise publically for a job well done.
6. Challenge yourself. Continue to push yourself and to develop yourself professionally. You didn't get the experience you have sitting back and watching others.
7. Practice active listening. Your mentee wants to hear what you have to teach, but he/she also needs you to listen, too.
8. Maintain a positive attitude. Attitudes, like colds, spread with contact. Encourage your mentee regularly and exude confidence and content in your work.
9. Don't be afraid to say you don't know. Just because you have experience doesn't mean you know everything. And that's okay. Your protégé will trust you more if you admit you don't know something than if you stumble your way through an answer.
10. Admit when the relationship isn't working. Not every successful business person makes a great mentor. If one or both of you isn't satisfied with the relationship, discuss it and end it, if necessary.