Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What You Can Do to Save the Postal Service

The Postal Service's financial struggles have been making the news for years. Mail volume has declined by 36 billion pieces since the record-high 213 billion pieces mailed in 2006, which has grossly impacted the Postal Service's postage-driven bottom line and outdated, government-mandated pre-fund retirement health-benefit expenses.

The Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service, which claims that the Postal Service could shut down next summer unless drastic changes take place, is urging Congress to pass bold reforms that will not only allow the Postal Service to "maintain solvency" in the short-term, but also to "reorganize itself into a modern and profitable business in the long-term." Specifically, the Coalition is looking for Congress to

• Relieve the unfair financial obligations imposed on USPS
• Streamline and modernize the USPS's infrastructure, systems, and workforce
• Update the postal collective bargaining process
• Innovate, including partnering with businesses on nonpostal services

You can help save the Postal Service.

First, contact your elected officials and tell them to save our postal service! Not sure who your local officials are or how to contact them? The Coalition provides a fast and interactive search form on its website,, that you can use to identify your federal, state, city, and county officials.

Not sure what to do once you know who to contact? The Coalition has you covered there, too. The website also has a feature that allows you to instantly create and e-mail a message to your desired officials.

Second, keep mailing! Continuing to execute your mailing program not only provides your organization with the exposure and response you've come to depend on, but it also provides the USPS with the demand needed to testify to its importance.

Many worthy businesses have stumbled but come back strong. Let's work together to make sure the Postal Service is America's next success story.