Monday, June 9, 2014

AMiable Solution #106: Summer Assignment #1

By mid-month, most of the students in our area will walk out of school and not pick up another book or write another paragraph until August.  They take their summer vacation seriously.
How seriously do you take your summer?  Do you take time off to reset your state of mind, or do you plow right through summer without a break? 
Although we aren’t suggesting that you follow most students’ lead and shut off your brain for three months, we are encouraging you to give your head and your health a much-needed timeout.  As we’ve addressed before, taking time off not only improves your productivity, but it also improves your health. 
Stress, which most jobs create, takes a toll on your entire being.   According to a June 2010 article by Susan Krauss Whitbourne in Psychology Today, chronic stress makes your body more prone to infection, injury, illness, accidents, poor sleep, poor digestion, memory problems, and poor decisions.  It even lowers your ability to maintain vital functions!
A vacation, on the other hand, gives your body and mind an opportunity to relax.  To reset.  To gain perspective and insight.
You earn vacation days for a reason.  Use them.