Monday, January 16, 2012

AMiable Solution #1: Ousting the Overage

Are you accumulating overage that you're likely to forget about or never mail? You're not alone. We're currently holding thousands of extra direct mail pieces for our clients, and we'll most likely be asked to recycle 15-30% of them by year's end.

Although not always avoidable, printing too many promotions can minimized if you do the following:

• Clean your house list. If you have internal dupes or bad addresses that you continually include in your print count, you're wasting precious money with every mailing. Build a regular clean-up into your schedule to avoid future problems.

• Remail the rented duplicates. Most list owners will grant permission to mail the same promotion to individuals whose records appear more than once on your rental lists. Work out the agreement when you place your list orders, wait for the original mailing to drop and response to begin, and then remail the same promotion to the duplicates.

• Plan ahead. Okay, this one is much easier said than done, but if time permits, order your lists and complete the merge/purge process long before the sheets hit the scan. You'll be able to more accurately specify a print count, minimizing the overage.

Do you have a better suggestion to offer or a challenge you'd like help with? Say it here. Your comments are always welcome.

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