Friday, March 30, 2012

AMiable Solution #11: Selling Yourself, Part 4: Negotiating a Salary

The economy is tough, but the job market is tougher, right? Despite how it may feel, job candidates actually do have some power and some say in the salaries they make. The trick is to choose your words wisely.

When possible, wait for an offer to talk salary numbers. If you're the first to mention a figure, you can eliminate yourself from consideration, either for being too "expensive" or too "cheap." Jack Chapman, in his February 14, 2012, article on, says that, "If you discuss salary in any detail before the employer really gets a sense of what you’re worth, or before the employer has decided which candidate he/she wants to interview, you’re almost always pushing yourself out of the range." If a human resources or hiring managers asks you for your current or desired salary before an offer is made, simply say "competitive."

Be willing—and prepared—to negotiate. Once you receive an offer, give yourself 24 hours to consider it and respond. When you do respond, have your facts together: know what your market value is and what you're willing to concede. You may be surprised by what the employer is willing to offer when you're willing to let something go.

Finding a job can be one of life's most stressful tasks. Approach it with confidence.

Do you have a better suggestion to offer or a challenge you'd like help with? Say it here. Your comments are always welcome.

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