Thursday, July 16, 2015

AMiable Solution #149: Freedom of Speech

We Americans take pride in our right to free speech and exercise that right without hesitation.  We praise people and causes we believe in and support.  We bad mouth companies that wrong us.  We share information that probably shouldn’t be shared.  We do these things, without a doubt, because we can.

How freely do your clients, customers, members, or donors speak with you?  Do you make it easy for them to communicate with you, regardless of if the subject is good, bad, or ugly?

Encouraging communication from your market doesn’t take a legally-binding national document.  It just takes effort.  Here are three ways to encourage your customers to speak freely:

1.      Initiate a conversation.  Whether you send an email, mail a direct mail package, or make a call, ask a specific question (did your last purchase meet your needs, would you recommend our service, which areas of our service need improvement, etc.) to prompt a response.  Some customers, particularly angry ones, will contact you on their own.  Others need a little nudge.

2.      Offer incentives to those who provide feedback.  If you’re looking to improve customer service and customer relations at the same time, provide an answer to the question, “what’s in it for me?”  Hold a contest and offer prizes or do monthly raffle drawings for anyone who contributes to your virtual or physical suggestion box.  Whatever you do, offer a reward for responding.

3.      Reply promptly--and publically, if appropriate--to all letters, calls, emails, etc., good or bad.  Being a good communicator yourself will let your customers know their voices are being heard and will encourage them, and others, to speak up often.

Freedom of speech is not just a right: it’s also a gift.  For that we say, “Thanks.”                 

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