Monday, February 6, 2012

AMiable Solution #5: Editing for Effectiveness

When you create a marketing campaign, you read the same copy dozens--or even hundreds--of times. At some point, you stop "reading" and start "breezing" the words. The text and language become comfortable and accepted. You stop questioning word choices. Editing, however, is a continuous process, especially if you're recycling text from a previous campaign. Make sure your copy engages your audience without getting in their faces. Try these three quick tricks:

1. Limit how many times you name your company. Of course it's important to include and reiterate your company's name, but it shouldn't appear more often than your customer's or prospect's name. If it does, you're likely shining the spotlight in the wrong direction.

2. Limit how many times you name your recipient. By all means, address your recipient by name in your teaser and in the beginning of your letter or copy, but watch how often you name names after that. While personalization can make customers and prospects feel noticed, over-personalization can leave customers feeling "worked."

3. Vary sentence length. If you're like me, you tend to write long sentences. Some are okay and even necessary, but make sure you vary the length of your sentences. It breaks the monotony and adds punch. And emphasis.

Do you have a better suggestion to offer or a challenge you'd like help with? Say it here. Your comments are always welcome.

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