Tuesday, May 8, 2012

AMiable Solution #17: Using Colors with Care

Even with today's affordable four-color printing options, not every direct mail or marketing piece requires the full-color treatment. In fact, in some cases, the more limiting and strategic you are with your colors, the greater the impact your piece will make.

Printing in two colors? Maximize the impact of color on your audience by using it to highlight the important information in your copy. That may include how your audience should respond to your offer, when the offer expires, how much the product or service is, etc.

You can also limit your color to illustrations or graphics. While most photos look sharpest in full color or black-and-white, other graphics--including charts, sidebars, and --work just fine with two colors.

Want another easy way to add variation to your promotion while using only two colors? Use several shades of the same color. Just be sure to consult a tint book and/or your printer when shades are used with text to ensure that the text remains readable.

How do you know which color to use in your promotion? Match your offer and message to these general guidelines for a good starting point:

• Yellow grabs attention and provides a good contrast against darker colors. However, yellow can tire the eyes and should be used with moderation.

• Green implies hope. It also represents nature and wealth.

• Blue instills confidence and safety. It's also calm, soothing, and businesslike.

• Black conveys power.

• Red incites excitement and strong emotion.

• Orange also grabs attention. It is warm and energetic.

• Pink implies romance and love.

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