Tuesday, October 30, 2012

AMiable Solution #39: Dressing Up Your Direct Mail with Inserts

Want to add a little something extra to your next envelope mailing? Try incorporating an insert.

What's the benefit of an insert?

First, if you're using your insert as an "oh, by the way, we also offer..." in invoices, statements, renewal reminders, etc., than the inserts are nearly free. Since the product or service marketed on the insert is not the main purpose of the mailing, you essentially pay only for printing: postage, list rental, and mailhouse expenses are already covered.

Second, if you use them in single-product/service packages, inserts allow you highlight and draw out specific key information in your sales letter or brochure, including testimonials, special offers, deadlines, guarantees, etc.

In both cases, inserts also allow you to target your appeal to specific buyers and offer information, memberships, subscriptions, products, or services to clients and prospects based on previous inquiries or activity.

Your insert can be a simple, postcard-sized sheet or a larger, folded brochure, but the focus should be related to the main content of the envelope. It should have a clear, strong headline to identify its purpose, and like any other piece of marketing, it should include your company's name, contact information, and a call to action.

Do you have a better suggestion to offer or a challenge you'd like help with? Say it here. Your comments are always welcome.

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