Tuesday, October 30, 2012

AMiable Solution #40: Dressing Up Your Direct Mail with Polybags

Make your next campaign clear--literally--without requiring any action on your recipients' part. How? Polybagging.

Unlike envelope mailings, polybag mailings allow your recipients to see at least one component of your multi-component direct mail package without any effort. Packaging your catalog, brochure, magazine, etc., in clear polyethylene bags gives you the advantage of enticing your clients and prospects and engaging their interest without needing them to open a thing.

Because they're less expensive and lighter than envelopes, polybags can also save you money when it comes to printing and postage. Your cost savings increase further when you share your bag space and your expenses with a partner.

Whether you mail brochures, free samples, subscription offers, reply cards, or more with your primary marketing material, polybagging allows you to make the most of your postage and your exposure.

Do you have a better suggestion to offer or a challenge you'd like help with? Say it here. Your comments are always welcome

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