Thursday, April 11, 2013

AMiable Solution #56: Shining Copy

Direct mail--or any marketing for that matter--can’t do its job if it doesn’t get read.  What makes copy readable?  We offer these three attributes:

1.       It has to engage.  Use language--including technical and industry terms--all members of your audience will understand.  Don't dumb-down your language, but keep it accessible to everyone who reads it.  Know what interests your readers and what problems they need or want to solve and employ active verbs, clear descriptions, and a conversational tone to draw them in and keep them listening.
2.       It has to persuade.  List-making often gets a bad rep, but it works.  Make a list of all the reasons, from the obvious to the odd, why you think a customer, donor, or member should start a relationship with your organization.  Then, put yourself in your market's shoes and make a list of what you'd look for in an organization like yours.  Use your results to create benefits-rich copy that your target market just can't resist.

3.       It has to testify.  Sharing customer testimonies provides clients and prospects with reliable, third-party confidence you can't achieve with your words alone.  Solicit feedback on a regular basis and incorporate testimonies from a variety of clients to show prospects how your organization has impacted individuals and groups in a variety of environments, positions, and situations.

The more you connect with your market, the stronger your copy will be.

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