Thursday, April 18, 2013

AMiable Solution #57: A Hailstorm of Headlines

Whether you’re working on a website, catalog, brochure, or press release, one of the most important places to spend your time is the headline.
What makes a good headline?  Most effective headlines have these traits in common:

  1. They’re short. You don’t get much time to capture your audience’s attention.  Don’t waste it by burying your main focus in a lengthy headline.  Try to limit your text to 12 words or less.

  1. They’re meaningful.  What’s the main point you want to drive?  Is it a key benefit, a new feature, a limited-time sale, a recent success?  Think about what motivates your target audience: most readers are most interested in knowing “what’s in it for me?”

  1. They’re creative.  Once you know the primary goal of your marketing piece or document, state it in the most compelling, interesting way.  No matter what style you choose to model your headline after--whether it’s a newsy headline, a question, a direct statement, a mysterious statement, an emotional appeal, a how-to, etc.--make it intriguing.  Use language that appeals to your audience.

When you’re writing your headline, play around and brainstorm different styles.  What you don’t use for your current project may be appropriate for future campaigns. 

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