Monday, June 24, 2013

AMiable Solution #66: The Hazards of Summer

Summer brings unique joys and opportunities, but it also brings season-specific hazards and dangers.  Heat stroke.  Heat exhaustion.  Ultraviolet radiation.  Pesticides.  Natural hazards like lightning and flooding.  Biological hazards like mosquito and tick bites. 
Your members, donors, or customers--the runners, construction workers, farmers, office workers, first responders, professors, stay-at-home parents, and more--will spend more time outside than usual these next few months, facing potentially harmful summer situations. 

Show your concern for their health and welfare by integrating a summer-safety theme into your next campaign.  Even if your organization doesn’t offer applicable products or services, you can still offer industry- or situation-specific summer safety solutions as part of a customer safety announcement.

Integrating audience-focused--not sales-focused--copy adds value to your mailpiece, email, newsletter, etc., and helps create a connection between you and your audience.

And that’s something you’ll both appreciate year round.

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