Monday, June 10, 2013

AMiable Solution #64: Give Substance to “Hot” Offers

This time of year, marketers often turn to traditional summer terms in their marketing.  The advantage of this is familiarity: recipients know exactly what they’ll find in a mailer dressed with a “Hot Sale,” “Sizzling Savings,” or “Scorching Discounts” teaser.
Although there is instant recognition with such an approach, it sometimes falls flat when your summer reference is just that: a reference made on the envelope or mailing panel.  To really make the summer theme relevant in your campaign, and to make your campaign stand out among other summer-based mailers, turn your seasonal reference into an emotional hook.

How?  Think about your offer.  What benefits do your products or services provide?  Can your “hot” sale literally help someone beat the heat of summer or take the heat off someone at work?  Will your “cool” fundraiser make it possible for a family to pay its electric bill or find relief from the summer temperatures? Can your campaign “block party” benefit a community somewhere?

By giving your summer teaser substance, you’ll not only make a time-relevant reference, but you’ll also create a connection that generates the results you’re looking for.

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