Thursday, May 23, 2013

AMiable Solution #62: Where to Go When You’re Not at Your Desk, Option 3

Looking at the same four walls day after day can make coming up with fresh ideas difficult.  Why not take a break from the office and clear your mind with something wild.  Wild animals, that is.   

Whether you choose a large facility like the National Zoo in D.C., an indoor facility like the National Aquarium in Baltimore, or an off-the-beaten-path facility like Green Meadows Farms in Frederick, MD, or the Catoctin Wildlife Preserve and Zoo in Thurmont, MD, you’ll experience life without office politics and deadlines.  Days ruled by basic goals.  Fresh air that blows out all the cobwebs.

Trading in one set of animals for another for a day will not only help you reset your internal clock and recharge your energy, but it will also allow you to pick up a trick or two from the animals:
  • Those who hide never stand out
  • Color gets attention
  • Personal experiences rule
  • Basic communication gets the job done

And if the animals don’t inspire you, don’t give up.  People watching can be pretty eye-opening, too.

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