Wednesday, May 15, 2013

AMiable Solution #61: Where to Go When You’re Not at Your Desk, Option 2

If you have a vacation day to use and want a low-cost, local option for spending it, you could run errands or catch up on household chores.  Or, if you’re a marketer in need of a “fresh” perspective, you could visit your local farmers’ market. 
What can you gain from an otherwise ordinary-sounding exercise?  More than just a necessity like doing laundry or paying bills, shopping for groceries at a local farmers’ market may just provide you with a little physical and psychological respite from the daily work grind.  By shopping at a farmers’ market, you

  • Support local businesses and entrepreneurs. 
  • Remind yourself that no matter how much your organization or industry struggles, few businesses are as dependent on factors and influences beyond their control as farming.
  • Maximize the flavor and nutrients you intake from your produce (nothing lost in travel time), protecting your body against the effects of stress.
  • Get outside and moving, even if it is a leisurely pace.

To find your nearest farmers’ market, check your local newspaper for listings or search online by county for locations and dates.  For a comprehensive look at the available farmers’ markets in the D.C. and surrounding area, see The Washington Post’s interactive map at

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