Thursday, May 2, 2013

Subject: AMiable Solution #59: Forecasting Repeated Showers

Direct mail absence does not make the heart grow fonder: it makes the brain forgetful. No matter how wonderful your product, service, or cause or how gorgeous your mail piece, sometimes the main factor influencing a customer's decision to respond is one that's completely out of your control: timing. And if you don't reach your customers at the right time, they'll find someone else.

Whether you're selling a product, soliciting membership or donations, or offering a service, you can't expect a customer to think of you first if they've responded only once to one of your direct mail promotions and haven't heard much from you since, especially when they're being hit-up by your competitors in the mail, online, on their mobile devices, and in public ads or professional publications on a regular basis.

And you can't expect them to be loyal to you if you haven't taken the time to follow-up with them: to send a letter thanking them for their business and offering a discount on a future purchase, to mail a brochure with items of similar interest, to notify them of updates or changes to their existing service.

So how often should you mail your customers? It depends on what you're offering and who you're offering it to. You wouldn't mail multiple lawn-service offers to customers in December. Most homeowners aren't thinking about keeping their lawns green when they're covered in snow. But you could send a service renewal notice two, three, four, even six times after the new year, when people generally stop enjoying winter and start looking forward to spring.

Likewise, you could send a renewal notice multiple times before a subscription or membership expires, expressing with increasing urgency in each mailing the need to renew by a specified date, especially if the promotion has a successful track record.

No matter how often you mail your customers, make sure you mail them regularly. One day soon, they'll thank you for it.

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