Wednesday, July 31, 2013

AMiable Solution #69: Making a Good Impression

Humility is a great quality. It makes people and organizations likeable and approachable. No one likes a braggart, especially a company or organization. I’ve rolled my eyes more than once at a commercial or ad for a company’s blatant boasting.

Creating brand awareness and sharing your organization’s special accomplishments should be part of your communication strategy, but how can you do it without looking like a jerk?

Let others help tell your story.

Instead of speaking to your market directly through your channels, let a third party tell your market through theirs. Hearing about your organization through a non-biased, separate company gives your organization more credibility and the opportunity to celebrate its successes without looking or sounding arrogant.

How can you generate good publicity? You have several options:

• Write a press release and distribute it to organizations, publications, and news outlets in your market. Be sure to include facts, not a sales pitch. Reporters know the difference between news and marketing hype.

• Contact the producers of local radio and television news stations and offer the expertise of one of your top employees.

• Host or co-host an event, whether it be a charitable fundraiser or a community-wide conference about local issues.

• Distribute general-interest information, like top-10 lists or tips about a particular subject, based on your organization’s expertise.

Building your organization’s name recognition and reputation doesn’t have to “take a village,” but it does help.

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