Thursday, November 21, 2013

AMiable Solution #82: The Hits Keep on Coming

Long before people LOLed or IMed one another, mail was the standard way to correspond.  While those days may be in the past, mail is still a viable and important tradition for businesses and organizations.

What it is: Direct mail

How it got started: The first U.S. pamphlet was reportedly published by William Penn in 1681.  Aaron Montgomery Ward started his catalog business nearly 200 years later, in 1872.  It was in 1835, however, that the first direct mail campaign, according to the National Postal Museum, was created.  Devised by the American Anti-Slavery Society, the campaign contained anti-slavery newspapers and printed materials and was targeted to southern religious and civic leaders, whose names were selected from newspapers, city directories, and other publically-available lists.

Why it still works: The advantages of mailing someone a printed letter, catalog, brochure, or package are just as relevant--if not more so--today as they were in the 1800s. Despite our growing and evolving technology, just about everyone has a permanent address, a place they call home.  You can’t say the same about landline phones or mobile phones or internet access or television sets.

Furthermore, direct mail offers some of the most trackable testing.  It can be targeted and personalized.  It can change its appearance and size and shape to offer a variety of looks and achieve a variety a goals, a flexibility that other forms of marketing don’t have.  Direct mail is also the most effective way to reach existing customers.

And although direct mail has earned the unflattering nickname “junk mail,” it is still perceived as being less intrusive than our next subject…telemarketing. 

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