Friday, December 6, 2013

AMiable Solution #83: Brrrringing on the Sales

With anything set of traditions, there’s always one that gets a bad rap.  With Christmas, it’s fruitcake.  With marketing, it’s telemarketing.  But telemarketing, like fruitcake, isn’t all that bad when it’s made up of good things.

What it is: Unsolicited sales calls made via the phone

How it got started: Although DialAmerica opened its phone lines in 1957, Roman Murray is generally given credit for popularizing the telephone sales effort in the 1970s.  Murray’s Manhattan telemarketing agency, Campaign Communications, Inc., reportedly hired actors for their ability to “read scripts with feeling.”

Why it still works: Despite the negative connotations telemarketing has suffered, many organizations still use telemarketing to gain new customers, retain existing customers, and make new sales or acquire new donations.  Why?

Telemarketing increases coverage area, particularly for small businesses that may not have the resources to market on a large scale.  It’s also more budget-friendly than a traveling salesperson and more flexible in delivery than a direct mail piece: you can choose the exact date you want to make the calls, and you can call throughout the day.

Telemarketing also provides immediate consumer feedback and personal, one-on-one interaction.  What organization doesn’t want to build relationships?

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