Wednesday, December 18, 2013

AMiable Solution #86: When Good News Goes Bad

What started out as good news for direct marketers turned out bad in 2013.  Although Congress saved Saturday deliveries from being eliminated by the U.S. Postal Service, it brought on our third “not good for marketers” news story of the year…
3.  Increasing postal rates for 2014.  In an effort to generate revenue--and to make up for the loss of the money-saving five-day plan-- the USPS proposed, in September, to increase postage rates above the ordinary cap: the rate of inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index.  Last month, the Postal Regulatory Commission approved the proposed rates, to take effect January 26, 2014, as long as the Postal Service doesn’t implement its Full Service IMb requirements at the same time.
While this news isn’t a reflection of the efforts of marketers, it is an issue for them.  Postal rates for both first class mail and standard mail will increase, adding more burden to many already-taxed marketing programs. 
The good news?  Adapting to change and finding ways to maximize impact on a fixed budget are two things marketers do well.

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