Thursday, December 12, 2013

AMiable Solution #85: More Motivation for the New Year

Last week we started revisiting this year’s news stories and using the not-so-great ones as motivation for a better 2014.  We started with the need to know the market better.  This week it’s all about…

2.       Delayed responses.  When you want answers from a company or organization that you support, how quickly do you expect a response to your inquiry or request?  As a marketer, how quickly do you give one?  On October 2, customer-service solutions provider KANA reported that 59% of companies take more than eight hours to respond to emailed customer inquiries.  Nearly half that many--26.5% of those surveyed--take 24 hours or more to reply (“Email Response Found to be Delivering Second-Class Customer Service”).

Should you really worry about monitoring emailed correspondence?  Absolutely.  According to the report, email is the most common channel customers use to complain to a company (42%, followed by phone at 36%).  When complaints go unanswered, you risk not only losing the dissatisfied customer, but you also risk alienating the customer’s friends and associates: frustrations bounce around social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter faster than a tennis ball on a court.

But with so many other tasks already on hand and so many people already multi-tasking more than they can handle, how can you give client communication more attention?  Not surprisingly, that’s the biggest reason for the delay, according to the survey.  Out of all the organizations questions, the majority--64%--don’t have a system for classifying and assigning email.  Among those who do, only 40% say the system speeds up response times to common customer questions.

So what’s a marketer to do?  Just realizing the problem exists and recognizing it is a good start.  Identifying your available resources and researching possible automated solutions is a good goal for 2014.

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