Friday, December 6, 2013

AMiable Solution #84: When Bad News is Good News

This year we, as an industry, have had good reason to celebrate.  After all, despite the furloughs and shutdowns, we’re still here. 

But the news hasn’t all been good.  We did stumble a little along the way on both new and well-travelled paths. To close out the year, we’d like to revisit some of the past year’s less-than-positive news stories in the hope that they will give us a little insight into our shortfalls and provide motivation to do better next year. 

And the first story is…

        Knowing the market.  In August, DM News reported that only 20% of marketers know their customers in detail: who they are, what they buy, which channels they prefer, how involved they are in social media, what their households look like, etc.  Most marketers (53% of those surveyed) said they excel in understanding their customers’ purchasing history only but would be able to understand their customers better if they had better customer data.   For the full article, click here.

The lesson and goal for 2014: Use every opportunity possible to request or capture information and make sure your system enables you to access, understand, and capitalize on it.  Each data point you gather not only deepens your understanding of your customers and clients and helps you create smarter marketing campaigns, but it also distances your organization from your competitors.

Want a reminder of what marketing did right this year?  Look for our enewsletter, available mid-month, to revisit news stories that celebrated our community’s marketing successes. 

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