Monday, January 20, 2014

AMiable Solution #87: The Easiest Way to Improve Your Email Response Rate

Imagine trying to get through a locked door without the key.  You’d be forced to walk away.   According to a July DM News article by Jonathan Prezant, marketers are providing prospects and clients with the same experience when they commit this error, the fourth topic in our month-long list of 2013’s news stories to learn from:
4.  Emailing dead-end correspondence.   According to Prezant and a study by Innovyx Inc., broken links in an emailed marketing campaign are not only present in the marketing emails of major brands and marketers, but they are also incredibly common:  out of a sampling of 5,000 emails sent, more than 11% of them--more than one in ten--contained a link that didn’t work.  More than 5% of them contained a broken image.  In addition, nine percent of emails read on mobile phones and tablets included broken links.
If providing personalized marketing and follow-up solidifies the relationship between a client and an organization, making it difficult for them to contact you liquefies it.  Luckily, the solution is relatively easy and within your control: make the review process as important as the creative process.

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