Monday, January 20, 2014

AMiable Solution #88: Improving the Bottom Line from the Top

How good are marketers and--more importantly--organizations at putting customers first?  Not as good as we should be.  The reason?  Our fifth and final news story of note from 2013:
5.  The CRM is not always right.   According to a July DM News article, 63% of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) initiatives fail to achieve their goal.   The problem, it seems, is in attitude.  Those organizations with top executive buy-in and appreciation for CRM as a strategy--not a tactical tool--for their organizations were more likely to have successful CFR initiatives.  The right analytics and personnel also play key roles.
How can you improve your organization’s chances of success in 2014?  Start at the top and work your way down.  Make sure every member of your organization understands the value and importance of CRM for reducing costs, improving profitability, and fostering long-term relationships with customers. 

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