Monday, September 29, 2014

AMiable Solution #116: Survey Says: The End’s Your Friend

One third of all giving happens in October, November, and December.  According to Blackbaud, fundraising and constituent relationship management experts, those months saw 33.6% of 2013’s overall charitable giving, with December seeing the most activity of those three months.

With the end of the year practically upon us, how can you make the most of the most wonderful time of the year?

Heed the advice of Cheryl Keedy.  In her July 2014 Fundraising Success Magazine article, “It’s Not Too Early to Think About Year-End,” she suggests preparing for year-end all year by building stronger relationships with donors.  In your promotions, tell their stories and identify--and honor--their giving and communication preferences throughout the year.  When they respond, thank donors promptly and ask them for another donation.

Those are great tips for next year, but what can you do now?  Keep in mind these other survey statistics:
  • ·        Most non-profits receive more than 75% of their yearly gifts through direct mail; they receive only 10% through online donations. (Blackbaud)
  • ·        Women of the baby boom and older generations give 89% more than their male counterparts, according to research by the Women's Philanthropy Institute. (Charity Navigator)
  • ·        Middle-class Americans give more than “rich” Americans.  The Chronicle of Philanthropy reported that households earning between $50,000 and $75,000 give an average of 7.6% of their discretionary income to charity; households earning $100,000 or more give an average of 4.2%. (Charity Navigator)

Bottom line: if your promotion schedule isn’t end-of-year heavy, it may be time to test, re-evaluate, and re-invigorate your charitable giving campaigns.

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