Friday, October 10, 2014

AMiable Solution #117: What Do You Spend the Most Time On?

When you’re working on a new marketing campaign, how do you prioritize your time: copy, graphics, format?  It’s easy to get caught up in the details of the marketing vehicle, whether an online ad, email, brochure, letter, catalog, or postcard.  Although those things are incredibly important, they aren’t the most influential factors for inciting response. 

Ed Mayer, marketing expert, developed a principle of marketing design known as the 40/40/20 rule.  Mayer realized--and countless marketers after him have discovered--that the actual implementation of the campaign is the smallest part of the marketing pie.  Size, shape, paper weight, copy, etc., surely matter, but they don’t have as big an impact on response as audience and offer.  According to the 40/40/20 rule, 40% of your marketing campaign success depends on your audience, 40% depends on your offer, and 20% depends on everything else, including presentation and format.

Does that mean you shouldn’t spend much time on the design of your promotion?  Absolutely not.  It just means that that killer copy you wrote and that perfect photo you incorporated won’t do you much good if you’re not designing for a targeted, highly-scrutinized audience and creating around an intriguing, can’t-pass-it-up offer.

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