Monday, November 10, 2014

AMiable Solution #120: Getting the Votes

For marketers, getting a customer, prospect, or donor to choose their organizations for a product or service is much like a politician trying to get votes.  There are usually campaigns, marketing, pleas, and personal appeals involved.

But what actually gets the vote?

While the promise of a better way sounds appealing, the vote usually goes to the one with the best track record.  The company or organization that makes and then follows through on a good offer.  The group that not only listens to what its customers have to say, but also acts on what it hears.  An organization that creates solutions to problems, not the other way around.

Have you been getting the votes lately?  If your numbers aren’t as good as they once were, maybe it’s time for a re-examination. 
For starters, meet with your customer service department to discuss any noticeable changes in customer attitudes, questions, or complaints.  Then, study your marketing language.  Are you overselling or over-promising the benefits of your offers?  Do your offers sound attractive or unbelievable? 

Having a larger marketing budget than your competitors may help, but it will only be a short-term win if you don’t have the substance to support your position.

What can politicians learn from marketers?  Be honest.  Work hard.  Earn the votes.

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