Thursday, November 20, 2014

AMiable Solution #122: The Value of Preparation

Ahh…the Thanksgiving feast.  It takes hours to prepare but only minutes to consume.  Why do we spend so much time preparing something that lasts such a short amount of time?


You can’t pop a frozen turkey in the oven and expect it to come out juicy and thoroughly cooked in an hour any more than you can expect to whip up a direct marketing promotion on the fly and expect your audience to respond.  You need to think ahead. 

Thinking ahead means devising a plan.  Who will your “guests” be?  What are their preferences?  What are their needs?  What have they consumed in the past?  Your offer should tailor to their specific tastes and histories.

Thinking ahead also means getting your timing right.  Offering a special discount?  Make sure you build in enough time to allow your audience to receive your offer and respond.  Doing an annual fund drive?  Think about psychological, financial, seasonal, and historical facts that could maximize interest and response.

The end result for any marketer--and any Thanksgiving cook--is to elicit the appropriate “oohs” and “ahhs,” which can be achieved only with the right planning and preparation.  And that’s something everyone will be thankful for.

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