Friday, December 19, 2014

AMiable Solution #123: The Value of Gratitude

Gratitude, like love, is most genuine and most appreciated when it’s not only said, but also shown.  When it’s expressed not just on the quintessential holiday, but also every day of the year.  When companies not only say “thank you for your business,” but also show their customers or members that they appreciate them. 

In 2010, Return on Behavior Magazine reported, in its “50 Facts About Customer Experience,” that 70% of buying experiences are based on how a customer feels he or she is being treated.  Furthermore, the magazine reported that it takes 12 positive experiences for a customer to overcome one unresolved negative experience.

How can you make customers feel good all year round?  Make gratitude a daily part of your operations.  We’re not just talking about gratitude for your customers, clients, donors, or members, either.  Gratitude for colleagues, partners, and vendors counts, too.  Making respect for one another’s talents and contributions part of your culture creates a natural environment of appreciation that extends to your customers. 

As a result, providing your customers with services or products that solve their problems and resolving customer service issues promptly and to their satisfaction will be something you WANT to do, not something you HAVE to do.   And that’s what builds real relationships.  That’s true gratitude.

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