Friday, December 19, 2014

AMiable Solution #124: Life After Black Friday

It’s Thursday.  One week after Thanksgiving, six days after Black Friday, and three days after Cyber Monday.  Did you organization participate in the most-marketed, most-hyped time of the year?

According to the folks at, 73% of people they surveyed planned to do at least some holiday shopping online during the season’s “kickoff,” Black Friday.  That’s a significant increase over last year: 56% of shoppers reported shopping online on Black Friday.  Furthermore, 76% said they would research their purchases online: only 1% said they would rely on television ads.

What does that mean for you?  Whether you “participate” in Black Friday offers or not, if you aren’t emailing your database or highlighting your best service or offer on your website, you’re denying your organization an opportunity to increase exposure and build brand recognition.  

But you don’t have to be a “Black Friday Sale” sort of organization to score big this month.  You can still benefit from the increased interest the internet and email are receiving.  Here’s how.

First, emphasize customer service.  Going online to conduct business gets both you and your clients only so far.  Use email, your website, and even direct mail to remind your customers, donors, and prospects that the answers and the help they need are available over the phone and in person by real, knowledgeable people whenever they need it.

Second, emphasize year-round reliability.  Your market doesn’t need to wait until the end of the year for offers that knock their socks off.  Highlight your organization’s continued commitment to providing the best service and honoring budgets and schedules, despite the chaos caused by the year-end hustle-bustle.

Providing clients with consistent, quality care won’t create the profit spikes of Black Friday, but it does ensure a happy new year.

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