Monday, December 22, 2014

AMiable Solution #126: Life Beyond Our Laptops

Technology has made us pretty lazy.  We can look up customer stats, research prospects, investigate new markets, and coordinate the buying and selling of any number of products and services without ever getting out of our seats or interacting with another human. 

We’re not alone.  Consumers are pretty machine crazy, too.  According to a study by Synqera and reported by Print in the Mix in February of this year, 81% of U.S. consumers surveyed own a laptop.  Sixty-five percent of them own smartphones.  Forty-eight percent own tablets.  Thirty-seven percent own all three.

But just because we have all of this technology at our fingertips doesn’t mean we should always use it.  Sitting down with the originator of a report after reading the report, meeting regularly with members of customer service, asking clients questions over the phone instead of through email, and interacting with vendors in person not only builds relationships, but also offers greater insight and perspective on the things we read about.

And there are more benefits to putting down the data and pursuing more traditional methods of communication, including print: it seems that customers get a little tired of the technology, too.  This past February Print in the Mix also reported that 75% of consumers said they would prefer to receive promotional content and coupons in print.  More than 80% said they wouldn’t look for promotions and coupons on a company’s mobile app, and 73% said they don’t want to receive promotions or coupons on their mobile devices.

Technology does, of course, make our lives easier and provides us with opportunities we wouldn’t otherwise have.  Still, there is truth to the saying about having “too much of a good thing.”  Sometimes, more basic forms of communication are just better. 

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