Tuesday, January 27, 2015

AMiable Solution #128: New Numbers, New Objectives

So you’ve decided to approach 2015 as a fresh start: a new opportunity to succeed.  Maybe you’ve decided to focus on growing your house list.  Increasing house response.  Prospecting more.  Or fine-tuning the timing of your promotions. 

No matter what you’d like to do to make your numbers grow in 2015, there’s a simple way to make your goals more achievable.  Quantify your efforts.  General goal statements are great for giving you direction, but quantified objectives give you the push you need to get going.  They make your goals measurable, so you know when you’ve arrived.

Were you looking to increase the size of your house list this year?  Be specific about your goal.  Maybe that means focusing on building brand recognition in a certain region or mailing five additional promotions to a “minor” segment of your market.

Planning to prospect more?  Commit to just how many additional pieces you plan to mail or how many additional new rental lists or list selects you plan to rent.

Want to increase sales or donations?  Determine just how much of an increase you’re aiming for: 5%, 10%, more?  Identifying the end-goal now will help you determine your moves throughout the year.

Your objectives are, of course, yours and can only be defined by your needs, your products or services, and your resources.  But they are universal in that they give your goals power and your 2015 more resolve.

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