Monday, February 2, 2015

AMiable Solution #129: New Objectives, New Energy

So you’ve identified new marketing objectives that will help you achieve your new budget numbers, which you’ve established for the new year.  Now what?

If you’re like many of us, translating any new action item or goal into action can be tricky.  It’s easy to stay entrenched in habitual thinking and regular patterns.  Trying something new takes more effort.

To help you think outside of the box, sometimes you actually need to step outside of the box.  Here are a few ideas to help you get there.

  •  Try getting creative with someone else.  If you have a standard “go to” person for brainstorming ideas, consider collaborating with someone new.  It may be a person in the marketing department, sales, customer service, or even someone in another branch of your organization.  Sometimes all you need is to view your product or service from a different perspective.  That new perspective doesn’t have to come from a coworker, either.  If your office doesn’t already provide an internship program for local college students, now might be the time to look into one.  You could give an aspiring marketer some hands-on experience, and you in turn could get extra help and extra insight your upcoming campaigns.
  •  Look into local or online training courses.  Breaking out of your routine often means learning something new.  There may be a new technology, a program, or a mindset out there waiting to boost your response.      
  •  Get psyched up about new campaigns by reviewing old ones.  You review your campaigns’ performance on a yearly basis, but how often do you stop and look at the big winners from two, three, even five years ago?  As marketers, we tend to repeat some successful elements but discontinue or overlook others.  Relive the glory of the best campaigns of old and see if they revive your drive to create something fantastic.

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