Friday, February 6, 2015

AMiable Solution #130: Common Cents Tip #1

When you were in high school, thinking about your future and all the opportunities and careers you had to choose from, you--or someone who was looking out for you--likely gave you some great advice: stick with what you’re good at.

That’s not to say that you couldn’t pursue something you weren’t good at.  You could take on new challenges.  Learn new skills.  Develop new passions.  But you would also need to invest more to make it happen.  More resources.  More time.  More effort.

Now that you’re into your career, the advice still rings true for your department or organization.  You could take every task upon yourselves, or you could focus on the tasks you’re good at, most efficient at, and outsource or eliminate the others. 

For example, if your department is great at creating press releases and direct mail letters but a little less efficient in printing, folding, and stuffing them into envelopes, you could probably save money overall by letting a mail service provider do the production and collation, allowing you and your team to focus on writing and strategizing.

Or, if your customer service team handles incoming calls like pros but feels less confident about making sales calls, then it might make sense to hire a third-party to help.

Although hiring help from the outside may cost a little more in the near-term, allowing your team to focus on their primary responsibilities will help your bottom line in the long run.

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