Wednesday, April 1, 2015

AMiable Solution #135: Changing Color

Now that winter seems to have lost its grip on our daily lives, we find ourselves eagerly embracing the emerging signs of spring.  Temperatures on the rise.  Robins singing in the trees.  Little bursts of life sprouting from the ground.

Green is good.  And not just outside.  In marketing, the color green carries its own merits.  Used in marketing promotions, it evokes a variety of different feelings, which can translate into the ever-important response. 

Green is warm.  It invites attention but doesn’t scream or overwhelm.   It draws readers in gently.

Green is pleasant.  It generates peaceful feelings and represents some of the things most valuable to us: nature, health, growth, and goodwill.  It’s the color of money.

Green is easy on the eyes.  According to the design and development folks at, green is one of the easiest colors on the eyes, a quality you want in your marketing pieces if you want your clients or prospects to keep reading.

Not every campaign can or should feature this color, however.  Different colors evoke different emotions, emotions that will vary depending on your audience and your offer.  But it’s good to keep a versatile color like green in your back pocket.  It’s good to think green.

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