Friday, October 30, 2015

AMiable Solution #162: The Joy of Fear

Some people choose fear.  They choose to give themselves a good scare, whether it’s from watching a horror movie, reading a suspense novel, or strapping themselves into a thrill ride.

But not many, if any, people make that decision when they read their mail, scan emails, or skim any other marketing materials that cross their paths.  And yet, marketers use fear-based marketing all the time. 


Considered to be one of the more powerful emotions, fear can motivate consumers to make a donation, join a cause, order a service, or buy a product in an attempt to avoid an undesirable situation.

Can you make fear-based marketing work for you?  Absolutely, as long as you observe a few guidelines:                                                                             
  •  Have a legitimate purpose, a real problem you can solve: don’t use scare tactics simply for the sake of a sale.
  • Understand your market.  Know what motivates them.
  • Make the solution easy to achieve or implement. 
  • Provide a specific action your audience can take to prevent the feared action from occurring.
  • Communicate realistic, not exaggerated, consequences for not taking appropriate action.

Like the adrenaline-seeker at the end of a thrill ride, your market should feel like they’ve accomplished something with their decision to respond to your offer.  They should feel good about evading an unpleasant situation. 

Now that’s something worth getting worked up for.

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