Friday, November 6, 2015

AMiable Solution #163: The Stress Less Strategy, Part 1

It’s happening already.  Holiday commercials.  Holiday countdowns.  Holiday displays in stores.

Although the end of the year does bring enjoyment for most people, it also causes stress, both at work and at home.   Pressure to get things done.  Pressure to make things perfect.

The holidays don’t have to cast a shadow of despair or distraction on our days.  We can help our co-workers, our market, and ourselves remain productive at work and peaceful at heart with just a few little stress-relieving ideas.

Start by sharing your lesser-known expertise.  Sure, your customers know you for your charitable work, your prompt and excellent service, or your can’t-live-without-them products.  But you can offer them other helpful tools, as well. 

Think about the things your company or organization does well on a daily basis and share your tips or insight.  For example, does your company run a cafeteria for your employees?  Holiday celebrations mean party planning at work and bigger-than-usual meal planning at home.  Help take some of the stress out of this holiday activity for your clients and customers by tucking food prep tips and large-gathering recipes in your monthly newsletter or on your website. 

Is your organization or business good at running well on a tight budget?  Offer tips to your clients and customers, as businesses and as regular consumers, on how to maintain control of spending through the holidays or how to spend wisely.

Sharing practical advice for the business and personal aspects of your market’s life won’t necessarily send your returns through the roof, but reaching out to others and helping them get through the next two months might just make life a little more pleasant and manageable for everyone.

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