Monday, November 23, 2015

AMiable Solution #165: The Stress Less Strategy, Part 3

Now that we’re nearly through November, stress levels are rising higher.  Although we can’t take the stress triggers out of your life, we know something you can add into your life to make things a little better.


We know, we know.  Exercise takes time, and who has time to exercise?  Actually, you do.

According to the Mayo Clinic, just about any type of exercise can induce stress relief, and you don’t have to exercise in 30- or 60-minute stints to reap the benefits.  Even taking a ten-minute walk during your lunch break can help increase the production of your “feel-good” neurotransmitters and make your general perspective better.

Can’t spare the time at work?  Walk around the block when you get home, or get up just a little earlier and bust a move (bonus: you might beat a little traffic!). 

Whenever you do it, making the decision to add a little or a little more exercise to your week will make the coming months easier to handle.

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