Friday, February 5, 2016

AMiable Solution #173: Love Lengths

Love is in the air.  This month, as you try to woo new or existing customers, remember one thing: no one likes a stalker.

Communicating frequently with your customers and prospects is more than a good idea: it’s essential.  But it’s also important not to overdo it.  You don’t want to leave your customers feeling trapped or powerless. 

So how much is too much?  Unfortunately, only you can determine (through testing) what your market’s threshold is: the frequency that they not only tolerate, but also respond profitably to.

Whether you’re testing out your frequency schedule or following a carefully timed plan, make it easy for your recipients to opt out of phone calls, emails, mobile marketing, and direct mail, and make instructions for doing so obvious.

When a customer does want to “break up,” follow-up on opt-out requests quickly.  But don’t just hit “delete” and move on.  Figuring out why individuals opt-out can make it easier to determine how to keep them.  If you offer an online option for opting out, take the opportunity to ask questions.  Prepare a very brief questionnaire and ask for feedback.

Learning how and how often to communicate with your market will make everyone happier and your relationships stronger. 

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