Friday, June 17, 2016

AMiable Solution #191: Summer School

If your organization doesn’t currently offer an internship program, this may be the summer you start one.

According to, setting up an internship program helps you manage your workflow and get more done, and it helps you find new team members.  As, “the world’s largest student-focused internship marketplace,” reports, 67.7% of 2007-08 interns were offered fulltime positions.  More than 80% of those offers were accepted, and 35.3% of employers' fulltime, entry-level college hires came from their internship programs.

Not sure how to get started? offers a free, 12-step guide to setting up a program.  The guide covers such topics as understanding what an internship is, identifying your organization’s needs and work opportunities, and understanding the legal aspects of offering an internship program.

Keep in mind, however, that internships are about more than you getting a little extra help for a good price.  Students who sign up for internship programs most likely want to learn more than how to file papers and stuff envelopes.  Decide what role your interns will play in the organization.  What contributions they can make.  Who will mentor them.  How they’ll benefit from their time with you.

Recruiting help now may be harder with schools are out or nearly out, but that’s no reason not to get the ball rolling.  Use this summer to organization your program so that you’re ready next year.  Better yet, recruit the students of your employees to help you test your system out.   Your employees may be grateful for the opportunity to show their kids what they do, and their kids just might surprise you with new career choices.

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