Friday, June 3, 2016

AMiable Solution #189: Get Beach-Ready in 3 Easy Steps

When people talk about being “beach-ready,” they’re thinking about the extra exposure summer brings to anyone who enjoys throwing on a swimsuit and spending time at the pool or on the beach.  They’re thinking about presenting their best selves to the world around them. 

When it comes to your summer marketing, you don’t have to feel vulnerable and exposed.  You can strengthen your assets and skills and get your department “beach ready” by following three simple steps:

1.      Keep a positive attitude.  Not only is it better for your mental health, but it’s also better for the productivity of your department.  In her January 2014 Training magazine article, “Stress Affects Nearly Half of All Employees’ Work Performance,” Marie Apke says, “No matter how small or large your company is, stress is the common denominator for poor work quality and lack of productivity among your employees. It only takes a few overly stressed employees to wreak havoc on a company’s overall workplace morale and bottom line.”  Bad attitudes spread, but so do positive ones.  Keep your chin up.

2.      Set realistic goals.  Depending on your industry, summer can be a challenging season.  Colleagues go on vacation.  Clients’ needs diminish.  Consider the resources you have and the market you serve when planning offers and launching campaigns.

3.      Train.  Exercising your skills and stretching yourself in new areas will help you create better marketing now and throughout the year.  Don’t be content to sit idly by.  Get active, and get learning!

Happy summer!

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