Thursday, August 4, 2016

AMiable Solution #196: Three Tips for Juicier Marketing

Creative block happens for many reasons.  We’re stressed.  We’re crunched for time.  We don’t know enough about the product or service we’re marketing.  We know too much about the product or service we’re marketing.  We’ve been marketing the same thing the same way for a long time.

Whatever the reason, you can break out of the marketing blahs and find new inspiration in three, easily accessible ways:

1. Revisit old promotions.  We mean really old promotions.  Look at campaigns that weren’t yours.  See what your predecessors used to say about your organization or the services you still offer.  You may find descriptions and language or case studies and examples that you can incorporate into your current marketing.
2. Look beyond your world.  You know what your competitors are doing.  Now see what companies and organizations in other industries are doing.
3. Remember your audience.  Sometimes we get so caught up in the creation that we forget who we’re creating for.  Talk to the folks who interact directly with your clients on a daily basis: your customer service agents, sales reps, and technical folks.  Find out what questions they ask, what concerns they have.  Review your social media sites for this information, too.  They’ll give you insight into your clients’ fears and goals and help you focus your marketing.

A fresh perspective can do wonders for your creativity.  Get shifting, and get flowing!

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