Wednesday, August 17, 2016

AMiable Solution #198: International Celebrations

When we “calendar market,” we tend to focus on our own seasons and events: Labor Day in September; Columbus Day and Halloween in October; Veterans Day and Thanksgiving in November; and Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa in December.

But your international customers operate on a different calendar. 

Some of them celebrate the same things Americans do, just on different dates.  For example, Canada celebrates its independence on December 11, India on August 15, Ghana on March 6, Kosovo on February 17, Philippines on June 2, and Australia on January 26.

Others celebrate holidays not observed in the United States.  Mexico celebrates Children’s Day on April 30.  France celebrates Bastille Day on July 14.  Brazil celebrates Carnival in February.

Our point?  Get to know your international customers.  Find out which holidays or observances are the most important to them and which ones influence their buying behavior the most.  Doing so will not only help you understand your customers better, but it will also give you another opportunity and another strategy for marketing to them.

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