Friday, September 2, 2016

AMiable Solution #199: Making the Grade

When you were in school, your teachers’ expectations were clear.  You knew what you needed to do to get a good grade.  But what does it take to make the grade in marketing?

In our zeal to create unique, memorable, eye-catching campaigns we can forget to address the most basic components:

  • ·        Provide a clear message.  If a campaign is so busy being flashy, the text can become an afterthought and not get the attention it needs, or the text can send a message that conflicts with the graphics and design.  Either way, the buyer isn’t sure what he/she is supposed to know or do and does nothing.
  • ·        Present your message in a logical sequence and layout.    If you make your buyers work to understand your product, your service, or your offer, or if your campaign leaves them scratching their heads in confusion, your campaign fails.  Your message--and your design--should guide your buyers step-by-step through your offer, addressing key information including what exactly your product or service is, how it can solve your buyers’ problems, and how to order.
  • ·        Keep it free of errors.  If you wanted Mom to hang your spelling quiz on the refrigerator, you had to spell all of the words right.  Likewise, if you want to earn the attention and respect of your market, you need to present your best work, error-free.  Take your time to check and re-check everything, even if you’re using text that has been used and proofed before.

Of course, the ultimate test of any campaign is whether or not it creates the desired response.  The issues addressed above won’t always be the reason a campaign falls short of expectations (other factors, including list, timing, format, etc., matter, too), but creating clean, clear copy will always give you your best start

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