Thursday, September 8, 2016

AMiable Solution #201: Teamwork

Football season is back!  Predictions are already being made about which team will make it to the big game in February and which player will be responsible for getting them there. 

The odds-on favorites?  Quarterbacks.  Five out of seven staff members are already predicting a quarterback MVP for the 2017 game.  And not a single regular-season game has been played!

Why is it that quarterbacks tend to get all the glory?  Why has a quarterback been given the MVP title 27 times in the last 50 championship games (the next most-honored positions, by the way, are wide receiver and running back, with only six players receiving the prestigious award each)?  Is it because the quarterback really is the key to a winning team, or does he just get the glory because he’s the one most people see?

We’re not discounting the importance of the quarterback’s role, but we think he gets all the glory because he makes the most noise.  He’s the one you hear calling the plays, even though it’s his offensive team that helps get the job done.  He couldn’t do it without them.

Marketing and customer service are kind of like the quarterback and the offensive line.  One does all the planning and makes all the noise, but it’s the customer service department that helps complete the plays.  They need to know the plans just as intimately as the quarterback if they want to anticipate needs and provide the necessary follow-through.

 A quarterback can’t just spontaneously throw the ball toward the end zone and hope someone is there to catch it.  He has to communicate with the guards and the tackles and the wide receivers to make sure that he is ready to set up a big play and that someone is waiting on the other end to make it.

Do your marketing and customer service teams work together or individually in parallel?  If you want your customers or members and your organization to win, you have to make sure everyone is working from the same play book.

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