Thursday, December 15, 2016

AMiable Solution #214: Unopened Gifts

You see two gifts on the table.  Both of them have your name on it.  One looks like Martha Stewart wrapped it: the gift wrap looks seamless, it’s not covered from top to bottom in pieces of tape, the folds are crisp and flat, and the ribbon and adornments make it almost too pretty to open.  The other gift, on the other hand, looks positively plain next to it.

But you open both, right?  That’s because you know that although having an attractive outside is appealing, what really matters is what you find inside.

You could argue that your customers look at your direct mail packages the same way.  A colorful, image-filled outside will surely get their attention, but as long as the content is engaging and relevant to the recipient, a simpler, plainer outside will work just as well.

But you have to make sure that you deliver on the goods.  The can’t resist discounts.  The heartwarming stories.  The timely products.  The picked-just-for-me services.

If you continually send your customers, members, or donors offers that either don’t pertain to them or that simply fail to excite them, they will no longer look at your direct marketing as gifts but as burdens.  Trash.  Something to discredit and discard without ever opening them.

Bells and whistles may catch their eyes, but thoughtful, well-planned offers will catch your market’s loyalty.  Happy gift giving.

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