Wednesday, April 11, 2012

AMiable Solution #13: Growing Your Best Customers

Now that you've cut wasted expenses (if you missed last week's blog on identifying unnecessary expenses, click here, it's time to look at increasing income. What's the most effective way to do that? Grow your best customers.

You know who they are--the customers who order regularly, the clients who order in bulk, the donors who never miss a campaign--but do you know how to make those good relationships better? Try these two simple strategies:

• Make it personal, for both parties. The saying about putting a face to a name is true: you feel more connected to someone you've met in person. The same can be said about a person's voice. If you only ever communicate with your best customers via mail or email, then you're missing an important opportunity to really connect with them. Make it a point to call them periodically to see how things are going for them, what their needs are, what you can do for them. They'll appreciate the effort, and you'll both feel a greater appreciation--and with time, loyalty--for one another.

• Give them the best deals. You've heard of customer loyalty programs. You've probably even received your own share of special offers under that same banner. Offer pre-orders, special discounts, and exclusive deals to customers who spend a good deal of time and money with your organization. But be sure to send "customer loyalty" offers to your best customers only. Nothing makes our eyes roll as much as receiving a "because you're a preferred client" offer from a company we've barely done business with.

Do you have a better suggestion to offer or a challenge you'd like help with? Say it here. Your comments are always welcome.

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