Wednesday, April 11, 2012

AMiable Solution #14: Cleaning Out Your Inventory

Okay, so we called this an end-of-year task in 2010. But if you didn't do it then, or if you haven't done it since, it's an activity worth revisiting in the spring: cleaning out your overage.

As is the case with a number of things you keep or file--journals you intend to one day read, supporting documentation for mailings from five years ago--it's easy to forget about the extra inventory you have stored in your warehouse or sitting at the mail shop. By ignoring it, however, you not only risk wasting storage space and possibly fees, but you also risk overlooking a quick and relatively inexpensive mailing.

Challenge yourself this week to blow the dust off your overage and take inventory of what you have. If the product or service offered in the piece is old or no longer available, recycle the inventory. If pricing is old or contact information is outdated, recycle. And, if there's language in the text that dates the piece or is no longer relevant, recycle.

However, if you have current information on a current product or service with current pricing and contact information, you may have a quick and relatively inexpensive (the printing is already paid for, after all) mailing on hand. If you have large quantities of pieces that did well, you may want to re-mail them to a portion of your house list or to a tested and proven rental list.

Do you have a better suggestion to offer or a challenge you'd like help with? Say it here. Your comments are always welcome.

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