Thursday, April 26, 2012

AMiable Solution #15: Keeping the "Spring" in Your Marketing

After a cold (or in our case this year, not-quite-so-cold) winter, we welcome spring as a way to rejuvenate our motivations, our activities, and our overall attitudes. But all too often, the excitement of spring doesn't last.

How can you pump new life into your marketing and keep it there, even after the cool, colorful days of spring turn to the hot, dry days of summer? Use a common location--the lunch room, a meeting room, or a common hallway--to share your department's marketing successes. Doing so not only lets others in your organization know what you're doing to promote the products or services they help support, but it also provides them with a little insight into your customers, members, or donors that they can apply in their own roles.

Sound like more trouble than it's worth? It doesn't have to be. You already have the information you need. You just need to make it public. Try sharing these points of information to keep yourself, your marketing team, and your organization motivated now and in the months ahead:

1. Post successful marketing campaigns. Include a note about how many recipients the piece mailed to, what the current tracked response is, and how that response compares to your "norm."

2. Post positive customer feedback. Too often people hear only about the complaints and not the compliments.

3. Post good press or product reviews.

Everyone likes to feel good about the work their doing. Help make that feeling last.

Do you have a better suggestion to offer or a challenge you'd like help with? Say it here. Your comments are always welcome.

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